Dear Friends,
I am writing this a week after the 2024 US general election, and am feeling called to respond to the rising tide of fear I have been witnessing in the world since this event. I get it, I truly do. Of course, there is a lot to be fearful, angry, anxious, frustrated about. No doubt. And no doubt that whatever side of the political fence you find yourself on, there is a great divide in this country, and not a lot of unity in sight. This is not likely to change anytime soon......
So how can we navigate such times without feeling kicked to the curb, or in a permanent state of anxiety, anger or distress?
Strangely, last week, I didn't go under when the results came in. That was new for me. Something else happened instead. It felt like a quiet, calm resolve that just deepened inside me. It felt like a 'summoning', a feeling that whatever happens in the world, going forward, that I would just continue to raise the vibration as much as I could in myself and my own little corner of the world - with family, friends and community.
Another friend spoke about it differently. He said, "It takes a lot of energy to be 'against' something". I felt the truth of that. It does take energy to fight, to stand against, to rail and rant about what, at this point, is inevitable. This is not to say that we have to stand by and let bad things happen, no, we still have the power of our voices, our votes etc., but at this point, I am consciously choosing to put down the tug-of-war rope and just continue quietly to share practices, healing energies, words, acts of kindness, songs and sounds that create upliftment, relaxation, healing and peace. I am feeling called to not buy into division and hatred, but to put my focus on unification consciousness, oneness and connection.
As humans, we have more in common with each other than not. We all love, we all laugh, feel sad or angry, and we all hurt at times. We all need food, shelter and community. We also all have good and bad traits, for we live in a polarity, here on this Earth. We can choose which of those traits we wish to engage or tame. We can choose to reach out a hand or not. We can choose to judge each other as wrong, or sit down and talk things over. We can fight and struggle and create dissent, or we can dig deep for our own inner harmony and balance, and find ways to keep cultivating that. These are the things we have a choice about.
Let us choose to raise our vibration by supporting those in our communities who are feeling afraid right now. Let us confidently assume that the only thing we can change right now, in essence, is ourselves, just like Gandhi said it, "Be the change that you wish to see in the world". There is great power in this, and that power is love. The greatest power of all.
So let us begin....