Dear Friends,
Cancer continues to be an illness that most of us feel anxious about, and although new and more advanced methods of treatment are becoming more and more available, being told you need to have a course of chemotherapy can create as much anxiety as the disease.
And yet it is still a common and important part of a cancer healing process, so how can it be made more comfortable?
In recent years I have treated several clients undergoing chemotherapy with Reiki. At first, knowing how uncomfortable chemotherapy side effects can be, I wasn't sure if Reiki could help, but after receiving their feedback, I felt this was an area that needed to be shared more widely to help other cancer patients.
Nausea and vomiting is a common side effect of chemotherapy, but there is also the deep bone, joint and nerve pain that makes getting about or even resting very uncomfortable. Worry and anxiety are also up there as common experiences, as they would be for any serious illness.
Many of the clients I have seen say one thing - that if they see me about 2 days after their chemotherapy treatment, many of these discomforts just simply melt away, or as one client described it, "It's like night and day!" Side effects become more manageable, and although it is always a good idea to rest when healing from any illness, Reiki can help us feel more energized and upbeat mentally and emotionally too.
Reiki works by unblocking the energy channels and centers of the body that have become compromised by disease, and from radical medical interventions such as chemotherapy. It helps to reduce inflammation and physical pain, helps the GI tract to function smoothly (chemo. often causes constipation) and supports the body's own healing mechanisms. Reiki also supports mental clarity and creates a feeling of general well-being. It helps us to feel more positive at a time when we really need to feel this, and helps bring clarity to health and healing choices we may need to be make at a difficult time like this.
Here is one client's experience who wanted to share how it was for her:-
"Many of us going through cancer treatment...can identify with the stress, worry and tired days from chemo, radiation and other medications given for the healing process. The pure relaxation of the full hour Reiki treatment helped me forget what my body was dealing with. My worry was replaced by positive energy, my pain with ease from symptoms. It was a wonderful experience, especially during the months of healing one endures during cancer treatments." I.R. 2022
If you or a friend or relative are needing support through a cancer diagnosis, or other challenging illness, do reach out to me for an informal chat about how Reiki may be able to offer relief and comfort, either in-person or remotely.
Healing Blessings to All,
Stella xxx